Bud Jackson Composite Squadron
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Python lessons are split into 6 lessons. These lessons are as follows:

1. Introduction to Python  
   - Introduction to STEM Leaders
   - Introduction to Python
   - Python Usage
   - Python Installation + Text-Editor
2. Python Basics
   - Python Print statement
   - Python Input statements
   - Python Conditional statements
3. Python Basics Continued:
   - Python While statements
   - Python For loops
   - Python and Functions and Lambas
   - Overall Quiz/Task
4. Data Structures: 
   - Python Lists
   - Python Tuples
   - Python Dictionaries 
   - Python Sets
5. File Handling + Modules: 
   - Text File Reading + Writing + Deleting
   - CSV Reading + Writing + Deleting + Structure
   - In-Built Modules
   - Creating your own Modules 
6. Object-Oriented Programming: 
   - Classes + Objects
   - Methods
   - Inheritance 
   - Metaclasses 
   - Introspections

After these lessons are completed over 6 weeks’ time, cadets work on a project in the meeting and can also work on it outside the meeting for the last 2 weeks. This project is assigned at the end of the 6th week. 

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